2. Meta & Material: 303

June 2, 2011 § Leave a comment

Two aspects I said last time, ie aspects the ‘local ref conference’, had not covered. Relevant. Very, but unmentioned. And likely – if I’m not putting words into their mouths – because of time constraints. Or editorial concerns, or bandwidth. Besides, such folk often argue, we are in the news reporting business.

Not give and take. Well, not in the way the commentable PM Key was recorded saying.

As for me, having rendered this explanation/service on their behalf I’d like to believe that they consider leaving what they left out to responsible blogs and the blogosphere.

In a word, me. And us, eh guys. Yet in several words, me, us and HIM. Yeah, TL guy I mentioned earlier.

Not begrudged you understand, more a matter of fact: me being a meta-man and he a mind-man. Standout, in turn, being his mention of how the first blog in this series finished in a footnote-like fashion on what he says was the real point of anything I’d have to say. He’s like that. Always was. And will be. Takes for granted he’s gotchu figured in advance. Well, okay, there’s heaps of experience there and a still good memory, but how the heck he knows – stress knows, not surmises – what I’ll be getting into is beyond me. And, actually, IMO, beyond him, too.

So I guess his real aim was to steer me. And this boat would have to lose sails, oars and the baling bucket before anything like that happens.. đŸ™‚

Yet TL has a point: two aspects will not do justice to my blogging here.

So for restarters let’s make a brief recall of RNZ’s clip —

Earlier in May, the US pharmaceutical lobby called on its trade negotiators to include changes to Pharmac in the talks.

In order to ask how did that happen?

That a big US lobby concerns itself with a relatively tiny New Zealand government tax-allocation funded pharmaceutical management agency would suggest that Greek public debt with a best return estimate of 30%(€1.2B ) is really hosing them out. Unbelievable!

Of course, yeah, I can understand anti-state prejudices arising at the Greek tragedy tho not really at the big boys’ level. Which is why I suspect small boys in play here. And find myself agreeing with Morgan/Simmons of the local conference that attacking Pharmac on “performance” is a dumb call. This PMA speaks for itself and with a wisdom history to shame other service models around the world. Remember, too, that a public obligatory role does not allow it get out there and vox on, unlike its attackers. Which is to say these people are hitting on soft target. Truly competitive behavior, this is NOT.

Aside from the US Lobby( = PhRMA aka Pharmaceutical Research Medicines Association submitting to the USDT or Trade bureau) aforementioned the attackers appear local. NZ-based, operative. In the local conference per Rob O’Neal’s mention above we find a front group named Medicines NZ [ sporting logo RMI = Research Medicines Industry (looks familiar, eh) ]… and… their lobbyist Saunders Unsworth, Wellington.

But voxing and, was it chinese whispering, any whichway and wherever folks will hear them. Don’t you wonder which it was for Washington? Then consider timing and phasing of this corporate-like process. On RNZ in May with a short timeline, yet more than highly indicative knowledge in Ballingal@NZIER months earlier in reply to a Bernard Hickey piece@NZHerald. Including this clip:—

Trade deals are never perfect, and some of the necessary trade-offs are not ideal. We may have to face some rather tricky IP restrictions to get (say) a meat or dairy access deal.

So.. let’s say in the interests of ‘risk off’ and vox on you take a look at what turned up on the url-scope recently. Relations and correlations can be such fun. Enjoy!

After which, and next time, I’m into more substantive with Medicines NZ whose grasp is slight. And deserves fons et origo malorum for their ill-fitting role in a production endorsed: noscitur e sociis

Okay, not Sanders and Swan, more a url with a sul on top. One-time journo Saunders — elephants have long memories— so call me an elephant! Yep, he’ll forgive me saying its the pump pic for the now role, but Baz consider how rollneck beats scrawneck! The tie, man, the tie! Now laddie it hath not always been so.. remember — Between 1986-90 he was the New York based North American Director of the New Zealand Meat Producers Board. This position included the management of relationships with key groups in the US and Canada and dealing at the highest levels on trade access issues. [ bio ] — back then? The days, man, the daze!

Partner — Ho Mark! — howse the ribcage coming along— gottit covered! I mention it bcos you’ll most likely be familiar with the pma Scheduled -DIPINES when I get to the topic. So you were Sec for DC backaways (bio) I have a question. Was that around the time when DC up and spilled he didnae know WTF he was doing in finance? After RD dropped the ball, wot!

Golly, therein RS, also. Howse things? Good to see you don’t need dark glasses! Other things mebbe but shades, no. Finny there, too. A great winger. Preston. Oops—that was Finney, Tom.

So it’s finis from me .. for now

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