All In, it appears…

August 7, 2013 § Leave a comment

Several tweeters have helpfully responded with authority answers to my earlier queries as to BigF’s whey protein recall status..

e.g. Spierings said all contaminated stock had been contained and there was now “little or no risk” for consumers.

The lag further to 90% recall of – was it several days? – suggested several possibs ie off-label market sales. Where, perhaps, infant formula could be repackaged and onsold to ‘new’ consumer markets. Such marketers from this kind of thing would not necessarily either know or comply on recall. More particularly if unwanted effect might kill its market.

Anyways, and for an entirely different reason, I put up a google search asking how much milk serum(= whey) would make 1kg of whey protein powder? Did not get an answer. But I did get THIS website.

Readers will find photo of a white powder, which suggests MD, or milk-derived, WPC(whey protein etc). Which makes a clear solution in water. They will also see ‘expert’ opinion on side-effects, some of which also occur consequent C. bot. toxin intoxication. No mention is made of this possibility: which may be deliberate( guy’s gotta make a living etc) or ignorance’s ommission.

The WPC is recommended as a dietary supplement for athletes’ and/or weight-trainers‘ snacking between meals or post-workouts, its ‘strictly’ protein attributes reason d’etre.

Not, infant formula’s intended use, but I’d suppose free markets enablement is fine for any operators who can make market safely.

Safely being why I have put this up. Off-label, as it were, may mean off-recall(should this be the case for BigF or the MPI. Tho I sense it probably wiser for those who can do so without unduly alarming folks, to make the call.

Contained, it may be, but given example of how so small a risk can amplify to commercial detriment, I’d say this is yet another cover-off story.

PS: on the website I seem to recall mention a something ‘GOLD’ product. Which may be indicative as source etc

Explain m’boy!

August 6, 2013 § Leave a comment

Well, y’see, I’d gone to this URL by name and read something I’d wanted comment to. Twas a wordpress(wp) subsite or even mebbe a version download, which required I login. Now either I was doing something dreadfully wrong or there was a hitch in this process somewhere. Bcos when I went to do this I had to first login to wp. This I did.. several times, without success.

Result: no comment. At least not discernible to me at that post. So..

wp login led to several changes and small ‘text’ blog addition to previous work here. This comment is the second such addition and contains the comment I’d wanted make, as explained. Here goes:—

Tks for the above reminder as to milk marketing (&clearly process) episodes.
But it doth seem to me you are unaware of the new Trade regime, whereby minimization of risk is sought. More by words than action, I would have to admit.
The major problem being how learning from the past is passé and high upheld standards too great an impost on a corporate board’s bottom line.

To its credit the wp request stated the following so as to contextualize things:—

By logging in you’ll post the following comment to WSJ Blows the Lid on Fonterra Tainted Milk Scandal, NZ Government Knew Months Ago – updated: – here

High Prob, Low know

August 6, 2013 § Leave a comment

They say the PM’s new promo for NZ is ‘100% Middle Earth’.

Yet the real news here is milk taint (episode3) is Earth in the Middle of the Pipe

Reason.. plus food

April 11, 2013 § Leave a comment

Noticed for the first time how wp invite bloggers to submit in different media for. Wonder whether they have gotten this from tumblr, or whether tis the other way around and tumblr have gotten a slightly more extended media inputs they wp..

I haven’t had opportunity start intended blogging series since being pretty poorly earlier this week. Nothing caught or bought causative that I can think of.

Perhaps flu-like chillness, shock and whole torso spasms indicative toxin. I tweeted this afternoon something about Asian rice, which I have eaten recently and which cooks more as a mixture of long-grains than the noted basmati. Changes are afoot in this particular food basket market—that I do know—so mebbe I am but one to gather a consequence first hand.

March 27, 2013 § Leave a comment

Just   to say some delay this end.. to do with migrations.. overlong.. not like the cyber world in the real world is it?

Be back asap – say a week from now – with a graphical satire rated worthwhile disruptive for all homo sapiens. Meaning you… YOU, and you, of course.

As Mae famously said, c’mon up and see me soon

The K Equation

December 20, 2012 § Leave a comment

Stephen Lacey has the picture, which perhaps fittingly this season steps down my blog for the year. In character at anyrate.

He writes about Americans for Prosperity(AFP) a conkochtion of brothers K and Tea Partiers.

Weeks after the bros plowed their easily-earned millions into futile ‘majority’ control efforts we learned how the massive popular political lo$$es they incurred served up the latest US Rump. Whose stump of 180 congressional lawmakers – including all the leaders – are fully signed up to no C tax. At all. Anytime.

Tis their own prosperity these few are about; simple words, simply put; worth a shout. Often.

Which, this festive time and thinking of others as one of Dickens’s go-2-guys bows out, is my tuppence worth for the new K for State. John Kerry go well!

K meetups appear to not auger well. But the promise, somewhat later than any informed and intelligent person would want, is mid-terms. And pushing Rump into its ground. As, meanwhile, dynamics for rapid change take hold, ready and steady for prompt post-2014 political implementation.

Changing topic some, I got a Rockwell the other day. Card, big and square, Santa and his elves and helpers. Norman illustrated this back in 1922 when Curtis Publishing took copyright. To what I’d sense the very best of North American talent on display. Yes, there’s a richness of expression there that even Tolkien would have envied. Must have, for among my growing collection of Rockwells. So than ye very much to its sender. Take a happy holiday!

“Jockey bloKey” came out of RNZ’s morning report today. Pretty apt term for the PM. Gee, wouldn’t he want humored diversion from the antics of flip-and-flop all around him this year. And, to be honest, not a lot he or anyone here could do much about.

So… have a good break folks.. look forward to whatever the New Year shall bring. For it shall bring it.

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Moment and Market..

November 29, 2012 § Leave a comment

I am just through a piece by Pogue @ NYT on the flat world of computer tablets – which one to gift this Season, says he..

Good question, given the somewhat large range and scale of wouldbes.. but I digress.

From a phrase he uses in the last but one paragraph — “this moment of marketing time”.

Had me think instantly of one profound truism—that market/s do not (indeed cannot) distinguish the legitimate from the manipulated. Hereafter I’ll express this like legitimate versus manipulate.

A distinction, I’d say, that must be made before one might trust the market persé. Which is a very fine thing to want to trust. In human affairs.

Why so? Because the ‘man’ in manipulate is how one prefers do things—knowing him/her, trusting that their take on legitimate matches one’s own. And realising this trust. In fact. And business. And record.

As opposed the mismatched promotions – marketing – wherein no such distinction exists. Yes, there are aplenty who do not recognise this distinction and need. They are profusely voluble over and across the point. The market is everything and no such distinction exists. Selling short, theirs can only ever be the relative success/failure of market share/s.

Enough profound..?

Let me say sorry at this point for this burst on a sore chest’s banjo, so to speak. Feeling a tad down as I do. One should not feel thus, after all hasn’t this been the week of dwarfery and elves to distract… perhaps entertain… lowness of spirit.. tho not without humor.

Instance the magazine tossed my way at the clinic again. Later in date than the last, landing open at page 3 with a couple of photos to suggest an instant new award — HOPPIT! — for each of them. One of what can only be in our current moment a miffed Mitt of whom the reviewer captioned something like ‘if only he’d be honest enough for long enough’— Lovely! Good crackup, John, well done that man of Victoria academia. And then, perhaps attaining a later day saintliness in kiwi, a HOPPIT to the backbenches. Great shirt, DC, and lucky you can body language hoops well. Guys like me gotta jump through ’em, man!

Enough frivolity, this is Thursday. Already.

Did you see the mention o’ Mursolini in Egypt. Fitting huh? HOPPIT-in-the-making…

Ah well, three hoppits is my little lot this time. I’ll try for better next.

And listen out

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November 19, 2012 § Leave a comment

A very interesting year in a most recent…
string of years was the year 2007.

That is to say, 2007 was interesting both here. And there.

Insofar as I am concerned to relate here two facets of human behavior: creation of seemingly worldwide denial industry, and new thinking on the nature of multi-nations’ recession and what to do about it. Whereas one facet would amass superiority in numbers to thwart climate science’s clear premium in tackling mankind’s fate, the other facet both knew and resolved a different path. Not for it any number of knowalls: knowing alone was sufficient.

The latter on-topic, so to say, 2007 was simultaneously significant as to content, circumstance and consequence. Here and there.

2007 was the year in which a cuckoo came to shine and drop unto the black robin the very nature of multi-nations’ recession along with – so constructively – what to do about it. Locally.

Why here? Well, one very good reason was the excellent economic stewardship of the government of the time. So good was this, and in relevance the to-do part, that implementation might be studied with a view to improvement, upscaling and general betterment.

Core of this ‘drop’ was a double sentence paragraph, in which the Recession was characterized by TWO WORDS. Such was their importance that a nation’s financial competance was seen to hang upon their use without too many others recognising the prescription. As explained.

Late 2007 a new government would herein occupy benches. Did they have the words? It was possible – as already stated of its predecessor’s – wisdom was passed on. Then again if they alone would claim the new thinking their language would in some part reveal this. Well, actually, with but one of those words usage conveyed enough confidence to self-suggest that yes they did. Have the knowledge. The two sentences. Our shiner’s entirety.

One word, two sentences: game, set, but five years on and no sign of match the justifiable questions arise: who knew what and when did they know it?

So.. here we are… little changed aka old reality… and strongest reason to demand that any actual or wouldbe or wannabe stewardship supply both words to characterize this specific recession. And its fix. [ Clue: long though this may take. Definitely for longhaulers, being how aetiology was sometimes crappy yet always short, sharp, snappy..]

ps: prudent financial management ought not be ascribed under “Greed” in any serious debate – whether series or solo – upon public media. Unless the benchmark by which another reality is related. To do so IMHO is to turn oneself into the proverbial canary. Whose fate is self-something or other. Usually dark and slavish at that.


Interest-rate swaps, by contrast, are not prudent. To either their offerors or takers. They are in practice risk rewarders. Punishing those too readily grasping the ‘g’orn be a devil!’ challice, or trustees of the too-trusting tree, or even those whose hubris/pride hath not thus far reached its limits. Rewarding those willing, able and capable of profiting therefrom.

General rule: if you don’t get it don’t do it.

Seems to me from a listen to an interview this morning on radionz that a ‘wave’ of folks imported a ‘let’s do the bizness’ among short term or fixed interest loans with personal marketing like it’s smart to hedge agin interest rate rises. Over-emphatic ‘rises’ frames distracted mindsets, result: like house prices—they always go up heh!

Forward thought: I would think in the general body policy interest to know, actually know, what loan funds are a bank’s (agent or financial operator’s etc) and what loan funds are investors’ therein. Written readably, reliably, into contracts. By such simplicity parties to one would know for whom the greater risk/reward equation has been agreed. Just an idea… guys 🙂

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My-my: update 4..

November 16, 2012 § Leave a comment

The gift that keeps on giving..

Bob Frank @ cnbc has news of the “Mansion Cliff” due out January if CapGains shift. I’d say the link pictures one of those hubri-obsessive floorspace jobs I’d mentioned earlier..

Myself, I’d say if remotely applicable here, it would stimulate a needed volume sales at preferably held or lower prices.. Face it, people need to buy a property not feed an obsession.

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My-my: update 3

November 16, 2012 § Leave a comment

Guess what… this blog worked a treat. Better than I could have realistically hoped

Elsewhere I have been accused of taking advantage (peoples’ ignorance). I think not.. use of the word “innocence” politely stated an ignorance connotation not beyond the facile machinations of the targeted. Whilst enabling them to egg much more than several faces..

Bear tactics are, after all, well known. For one thing they work, get prices down. For another, who on earth would want to buy those one can do without.

So, back to the professionals— interesting stuff on Mary Wilson’s programme this evening.. a government minister almost making a good connect with what is needed where it is needed.. housing.

Earlier, a news bulletin revealed a guy stalking capital gains tax as a means of anaesthetizing property priced growth. In contrast, hearing the Minister tell of 10 percent stock in the said development at lower prices than other properties there gave an aspect of social value to the government for pre-purchase and allocated sales.

Yet how about a true market value approach. Think ye not of an Auckland price, think ye most of a first world price. Build smaller, house smaller, multi-uniting or storeying for larger families. For all, progressive pricing for all. And encouraging owners wherever possible. Start, say, at $300K for a single bedroom unit, $400K(350) for two beds and so on..

Methinks from a brief look around that an obsession with floorspace and larger living properties is a major factor in housing shortages here. Plus I think you’ll find no shortage of investors – with/without a capital gains tax – for intensified and/or concentrated urban development.

Citiization elsewhere has proved itself a great value generator for more than its citizens… As friends @ PBS have said, “Ask WB” … One so willing to gift a fortune from annual assets growth to good and practical causes.. makes for .. Q.E.D.

Have a nice one..

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